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April 05, 2011

Demon's Lexicon: The Statue That Looks Like a Knife

BotM: Demon's Lexicon
On the whole, Nick liked Exeter. There was a statue on the high street that reminded him of a knife,
and he was learning to map the city out from that point.

- Chapter One, The Demon's Lexicon

Here's Nick's statue:

It is, of course, a Riddle, not a knife, and it has riddles from the Exeter Book on it. And what does this tell us about Nick? When he looks at riddles, at things he can't understand, what he sees is a knife: a weapon, something that will allow him to tear the problem apart with one deadly thrust. Nick, I think, would have made short work of the Gordian knot, not because he would see through the puzzle, but because he would barely recognize that a puzzle existed. "Why are all these people standing around nattering about how to untie the ox-cart?" he might ask. "Just cut the thing loose."

Posted by Kat at April 5, 2011 08:06 PM
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