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January 25, 2011

Morning Coffee (1/25/11)

Morning Coffee

Happy Tuesday! The Oscar nominations will be announced this morning, and then tonight is State of the Union! It's like Christmas! Ahem. I'm a little excited.

The nominations will be announced at 8:30am Eastern, so I won't be able to post immediately, but if you go to Oscars.org you'll be able to see them, and I'll post some thoughts tonight or tomorrow. My main thought at the moment: I hope they do that handy printable checklist again. That was awesome.

I don't know if any of you are as excited about the Anything Goes revival as I am (hi, Mom!), but I was on a call with Jessica Walter about Archer yesterday, and it turns out she's playing Hope's mother! Awesome. Rehearsals start today!

I'm not an audiobook person, but Cassie Clare announced some news so amazing that it will cause me to actually seek out her next audiobook: Ed Westwick (Chuck from Gossip Girl) and Molly Quinn (Alexis from Castle) will be reading it!

Robert Burns letter discovered in castle

Wondering why liberals think conservatives don't care about the poor? Reasons like this.

Who's got a date to the State of the Union?

The many historical issues with The King's Speech

Borg serenity prayer! Cross-stitched!

Newsweek's Oscar roundtable always has some interesting stuff. Apparently your James Franco Project of the Day is a sex tape he made at 19.

Rafael Nadal with baby penguins. The end.

Posted by Kat at January 25, 2011 06:43 AM
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