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March 03, 2011

Morning Coffee (3/3/11)

Morning Coffee

Ah, Thursday. Thursdays tend to be long. But it's almost the weekend!

Tonight's TV Picks: Thursdays are now a vast barren wasteland because everything's on hiatus. So you have no excuse not to watch Fairly Legal. (It's been getting better! Really!)

James Levine is resigning from the BSO. Can't wait to see who they choose next.

This profile of Lori Berenson is long but a fascinating read.

This infinite photo is neat but I eventually just found it annoying. LET ME GET TO THE END ALREADY.

10 Women Who Secretly Control the Internet

The House GOP is focusing on important issues, like making sure they stop composting and start using styrofoam. Styrofoam is more FREEDOMY, you know.

In order to become President, do people have to actually like you? Thanks to Newt Gingrich, we may finally find out.

How the 2012 Election Will Destroy My Life. This is so, so true.

NPR listeners really are horribly annoying.

Willow Smith has a new single, and it's pretty adorable.

How to End a Conversation

Posted by Kat at March 3, 2011 07:00 AM
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