Carry On
Pretty Pictures
I love the Keep Calm and Carry On poster with the passion that I reserve for all things British and old-fashioned, so I was delighted to walk into a British import store a few weeks ago and see a tea towel version of it on display. I wanted one, of course, and I could think of at least five people for whom it would make a perfect Christmas gift. But it turned out they were SOLD OUT and wouldn't even sell me the one they had on display. Instead, they offered me an apron at tea towel price, which was fine, but not exactly what I wanted. But here it is!

I couldn't come up with any wall space in the kitchen to hang it on, so I just went with a bunch of strong magnets on the side of the fridge. I can take it down easily enough when I want to actually use it, and in the meantime, it's nice to glance up and see it there in such big bold letters. Words to live by, really.
Posted by Kat at August 17, 2010 03:00 PM