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July 06, 2010

Review: The Intrigue at Highbury

2010 Finishes: Books

The Intrigue at Highbury by Carrie Bebris
Genre: Mystery
Pages: 317
Rating: 8.3

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the vast majority of Jane Austen sequels written by other authors are hugely disappointing. I've found the Mr. and Mrs. Darcy mystery series by Carrie Bebris to be a delightful exception to this rule. Bebris follows Elizabeth (Bennet) and Fitzwilliam Darcy in the years immediately following their marriage as they travel around to, basically, visit the settings of Austen's other novels and solve mysteries. It sounds silly, but it works. This is the fifth in the series, so I'd start with Pride and Prescience rather than this one, but this was definitely one of my favorites. The Darcys and the Knightleys make an excellent team, and this installment didn't really have the supernatural overtones that some of the previous novels had. (You know I have nothing against supernatural stuff in books, but it seemed a little much for the Darcys at times.) Presumably, the next book in the series will involve characters from Persuasion, and I can't wait.

Posted by Kat at July 6, 2010 11:00 AM
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