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April 21, 2010

Let NH vote?

Warning: Liberal

Signs from the group Let NH Vote have been popping up around town. They use slogans like "Support Democracy" and "Let the Voters Vote" to promote the idea that same-sex marriage should be put on the ballot. (It was legalized by the legislature here last year.) If you read past the first page of their site, it's easy to see that what they actually want is for same-sex marriage to be outlawed, not just to have a vote on it and go either way. I disagree with this, obviously, and I think I disagree that this should be voted on at all, but that's not why I'm bringing it up.

What actually interested me here is the marketing. One of their signs features the slogan "Don't Be Intolerant." It's pretty clever of them to use an argument that those on the opposite side of the debate uses against them in order to get support. They know that they already have the support of those who are against same-sex marriage. Presumably they're hoping that those who support same-sex marriage will see these liberal-looking signs, just look at the (pretty neutral) front page of their Web site, and decide to support the call for a ballot question. Not a bad strategy.

Posted by Kat at April 21, 2010 08:30 AM

Yeah, here in D.C. they tried to tie it to voting rights saying it was an abomination that the people's voices should be silenced yet again. Our Board of Elections and Ethics shot them down time and time again saying you couldn't put something on the ballot that restricted people's civil rights and violated our human rights laws. Yay, D.C.!

Posted by: sprite at April 22, 2010 12:26 AM
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