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February 05, 2010

And here comes Pence.

2012 NH Primary

(Note: This is the first of a new category of posts about the 2012 New Hampshire primaries. I know some of you really don't care about this, but, well, I do. :) For those who don't know - New Hampshire traditionally has the first primaries in the presidential race [after the Iowa caucuses], so we get lots of candidates coming through, and things start, well, now.)

We've already had Gingrich and Pawlenty visit, and . . . I feel like there was someone else I'm now forgetting. Romney supposedly lives here now, so maybe it was him. But next up: Mike Pence! He'll be at the Hillsborough County GOP Lincoln-Reagan Dinner. Want more information or tickets? Try here.

Posted by Kat at February 5, 2010 11:00 AM
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